Monks Kirby Parish Council
Monks Kirby Parish Council October Meeting
The Parish Council were given an update on the Housing Need Survey and Proposals for the land west of St.Ediths by Midlands Rural Housing and Plan App Consultancy. Several members of the Parish attended to listen and ask a few questions. This is at a very early conceptional stage and there will be many opportunities for these associations to update the Parish, the Parish Council will endeavour to keep the Parish informed of these opportunities.
Toddler swing has been repaired in the Fish Ponds Play Area and the large see saw has new posts fitted, the seats should be replaced in the next 2 weeks and it will be back in action.
The tree on the verge of the Fish Ponds Play Area has fallen again and it does now look terminal, it will be removed shortly and the Parish Council are looking to replace it. Thank you to Andrew and Chris Green for their help.
Defribulator training is organised in the Village Hall on 9th November 11am, carried out by FireBrigade, all welcome, if you would like to attend if possible just let Parish Council know so we have a rough idea of numbers, via email, or directly, but all are welcome regardless.
About Parish Councils
A parish council is a civil local authority found in England which is the lowest tier of local government. The activities of a Parish Council fall into three main categories: representing the local community, delivering services to meet local needs, and improving quality of life and community well being. As it is the authority closest to the people, parish councils are invariably the first place people will go with concerns or ideas. For this reason they are a vital part of any community. Parish councils are funded by levying a "precept" collected with the council tax paid by the residents of the parish. Parish councils have unpaid councillors who are elected to serve for four years, unless a casual vacancy arises which may be filled by a by-election or by co-option.
About Monks Kirby Parish Council
Monks Kirby Parish Council comprises 6 elected councillors and a Parish Clerk - see below. The Council meets monthly in the Village Hall on the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings start at 6.30pm and generally last around 2 hours. All members of the Parish are welcome to attend and each meeting starts with a short public participation session to allow parishioners the opportunity to raise issues of concern/interest. The formal agenda for each meeting is published 3 days in advance of the meeting and is posted on this website and on the Parish Council notice board
Your Councillors
Paul Woods Parish Councillor (Chair)
Louise Partridge Parish Councillor (Vice-chair)
John Dalby Parish Councillor
Dr Keith Edgar Parish Councillor
Louise Woolridge Parish Councillor
Helen Varah Parish Councillor
Pete Clegg - Parish Clerk / RFO
Emergency telephone number to report planning violations out of hours - 0800 096 8800
Warwickshires Care Services Directory
Planning for the Future - Government's White Paper
Planning for the Future - Response from Monks Kirby Parish Council
Monks Kirby Parish Council Planning Policy
Parish Council Documents
To view documentation relating to governance of the Parish Council, previous meeting minutes, and Audit Documentation please click HERE